Accessing PerfectDisk CLI Tool (PDCMD.exe) to Run PerfectDisk Commands

The program you must run to use PerfectDisk at the command line is named PDCmd.exe. It resides in the same directory as the rest of the PerfectDisk files. By default this is %ProgramFiles%\Raxco\PerfectDisk\ (on the C: drive, for most installations). By default, this directory is not included in the Windows Path environment variable. Thus, to run PDCmd.exe, your script or batch file must either cd into the PerfectDisk directory, or place a complete path specification before the program name (C:\Program Files\Raxco\PerfectDisk\PDCmd.exe, for the default location).

Note: You can produce a text file that contains the entire PDCmd.exe help text by executing this string at the command line, then printing the resulting file named CLI-help.txt:

C:\ProgramFiles\Raxco\PerfectDisk\:> PDCmd.exe /? >> CLI-help.txt

The prompt appears in bold in the preceding text to indicate that we used cd to set our focus on the …\PerfectDisk directory before running this command. You can simply open CLI-help.txt in Notepad and print it from there, or pull it into your favorite word processor and do likewise.

Related Topics

§         Running PerfectDisk from the Command Line

§          Understanding Custom Error Codes

§          PDCmd.exe Command Reference